Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Just last week, an inquiry made ma reflect and see what is really our role in the formation of young Filipinos and in the holding of our future generation. Through email, she asked me reasons why they should choose Oakridge among the many many schools in the region. And I paused and thought about our role and what we do for the kids and their families. Not thinking about marketing our school, i started talking about Parenting and how God has called us to be parents and as parents how crucial it is to be first teachers. Regardless of the school that you choose, the most crucial influencer in a person's life is his or her parent. When we decided to get married, we committed our lives to have a family and raise a family that will be honouring to God. And so being parents, it is such a huge task to be the best channel of influence and cognitive, moral and spiritual training to our children. We live in the day where parents over expect from schools and over delegate to teachers, yayas and tutors. They do not understand that the very factor to their child's success is they themselves. When you delegate the MOST important things in your life, the MOST important thing in your life will end up crumbling down. We need to go back to God's design - in marriage, in families. After all, God is the inventor and architect of families. If we follow what the rest of the world is doing- delegating, we will end up with children - future generation who were raised by yayas .

Friday, September 25, 2015

Schools are said to be factories - factories that produces the next generation. If we continue to teach and educate our studebts with irrelevant ingormation through rote memorization, what kind of community and society to we intend to have in the guture? Many many many times we have been accussed of not making our students memorize. But is memorization really that important? The world is changing. More and more industries need human respurce that thinks and makes decisions over manual job ( routinary and non-thinking skills). If we put our priority on memprization, how in the world do you think will we be able to supply the industries and jobs of the future?
It just troubles me alot how after listening to amazing talks and seminars about education for the future and 21st century learning , I go back to Dagupan City where people expect their kids to just Memorize. And isnt it ironic that same people who complain about the "stupidity" of her employees demand memorization from schools??!!! Just last month, a mom had a problem with Bureau of Intenal Revenue (IRS), and she was saying that her income tax report was all wrong because her inventory head didnt do inventory properly, her human resource dud not do his job properly. She was complaining about their "stupidity" and how they cannot make euse decision. And that same mom now demands memorization. And so i want to go back to my premise. Its not memorization and rote learning that we need to prioritize in education, but on How our kuds utilize these information.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Fambam 2014-15

Our country have been way behind compared to other neighbouring countries in terms of development and economic growth. It seems like it is only in our country that all forms of economic theories and urban planning are not applicable. Emotions and pakisama have always gotten in the way of every rules in terms of city development and even common sense. Just for example, we all know that we need bus stops and that buses are not suppose to stop everywhere the driver wants every time he want. But for some strange reason its not applicable in our country. 40% of Filipinos have seen the world outside the Philippines and yet none have ever tried to implement rules. Why? 
While the rest of the world are trying to integrate mass transit and development of modern skyscrapers, we, on the there hand are stuck repairing our not so bad roads, cementing, putting asphalt and the non-stop fixing of drainage. Why the fuss on drainage? Have we ever thought of designing drainage that works, coming up procedures in cleaning and utilising it to avoid flood? It seems like no one has even tried to do it…the right way.
And so you ask me why do i write about these things? I believe as an educator, the very root of the problem is selfishness. While every Filipino thinks about himself over the Common Good, we will never progress as a country. Have you ever heard how Lee Kwan Yew spent his earnings? He donated them back to charities in Singapore. He gave everything for Singapore. Why? Because he love Singapore. Because of that, every Singaporean had that in them…the love for their country. And it all boils down to following our leader. 
And now I ask… who should we vote in the next election? how are we to choose our next leader? are we really into progress or we just want a president who will do exactly what we want? If we want progress, we need to choose well. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

We have often been accused of having such a simple and basic curriculum. Parents in Dagupan City often say its "too easy". Because our kids are "too relaxed", they panic and think that the kids are not doing anything. What is happening to parenting today? Is "busyness" the gauge of learning nowadays? Is overfeeding your child with nonsense facts really important for his/her success? We really need to recalibrate and go back to the real purpose of parenting. We need to go back to God's design in child rearing, education and raising our children.
During the time of Jesus, kids are not sent to school for formal education. Education thus was one of the basic responsibilities and roles of parents....especially Mothers. Thus, mothers devote their time teaching their children the prerequisite skills in life- to succeed in life and to be a good human being. Teaching about faith is one of the core of Home education today. Its rooted in how children were  taught when schools have not been setup. Teaching about life is still one of the very core of education today. Memorizing parts of the skeletal system for a 9 year old is simply ridiculous not just in the time of Jesus, but as well as in the time of Bill Gates. Memorizing useless facts is simply making our children robots- training them to repeat everything they read, jeopardising critical thinking and decision making skills. In today's day and age, people have often failed to make good decisions and suffered the consequences. Thus, critical thinking and good decision making are one of the valued character and skills in today's life. Memorization isn't. In this age of google glass and 5g Mobile Data, all information is a click away. Thus, processing these information and making it useful is the key.
To better give parents the ABCs of what their children has to know in this day and age, I recommend reading . Not only will you see the things a child should know according to age, but the value put into it in a GREAT SCHOOL.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

 June 11, 2013
Dear Parents,

On behalf of the teachers and staff of the Preschool Department, welcome to Oakridge International School of Young Leaders!
We thank you for entrusting us with your child’s education. We assure you that we are committed to producing students who have strong literacy skills, exhibit competence in communication and interaction, and possess a positive attitude towards learning.
We take pride in our curriculum which is child-centered, integrated, and holistic. This means that our lessons are designed according to the child’s abilities and that the different aspects of development are catered to in equal measure.
Expect a meaningful school year packed with activities that emphasize play, discovery, and exploration, as we ensure that we strive to give our students the quality of learning that they deserve.
We look forward to working in partnership with you on your child’s journey to greatness!

Gena Frianeza-Llamanzares
Preschool Head

World History Glencoe (Grade 7 and 8)


Directions:  The following links are PDF files of the actual textbook that we use for World History.
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Chapter 1 Textbook   The First Humans       URL

Chapter 2 Textbook   Western Asia and Egypt     URL

Chapter 3 Textbook   India and China     URL

Chapter 4 Textbook   Ancient Greece      URL

Chapter 5 Textbook
   Rome and the Rise of Christianity     URL

Chapter 6 Textbook   The World of Islam     URL

Chapter 7 Textbook   Early African Civilizations     URL

Chapter 8 Textbook   The Asian World     URL

Chapter 9 Textbook   Emerging Europe and the Byzantine Empire     URL

Chapter 10 Textbook Europe in the Middle Ages     URL

Chapter 11 Textbook The Americas     URL

Chapter 12 Textbook Renaissance and Reformation     URL

Chapter 13 Textbook The Age of Exploration     URL

Chapter 14 Textbook Crisis and Absolutism in Europe     URL

Chapter 15 Textbook
The Muslim Empires     URL

Chapter 16 Textbook
The East Asian World     URL

Chapter 17 Textbook Revolution and Enlightenment     URL

Chapter 18 Textbook
The French Revolution and Napoleon     URL

Chapter 19 Textbook
Industrialization and Nationalism     URL

Chapter 20 Textbook Mass Society and Democracy     URL

Chapter 21 Textbook The Height of Imperialism     URL

Chapter 22 Textbook East Asia Under Challenge     URL

Chapter 23 Textbook War and Revolution     URL

Chapter 24 Textbook The West Between the Wars     URL

Chapter 25 Textbook Nationalism Around the World     URL

Chapter 26 Textbook World War II     URL

Chapter 27 Textbook Cold War and Postwar Changes     URL

Chapter 28 Textbook The Contemporary Western World     URL

Chapter 29 Textbook Latin America     URL

Chapter 30 Textbook
Africa and the Middle East     URL

Chapter 31 Textbook Asia and the Pacific     URL

Chapter 32 Textbook
Challenges and Hopes for the Future     URL

World Almanac
          An almanac full of World Facts & Figures     URL

Geography Handbook  A handbook of illustration of geography terms     URL

Reference Atlas          An atlas of all types of different maps     URL

What is History?
         A look at the themes involved in studying history     URL